I think that November 11 was the start of my twelfth year of dialysis. I've been back on hemodialysis during the afternoon shift, since April 2021 or so. I have a new shunt on my left arm, I hope it keeps functioning without problems for the next year. I've become completely paranoid about listening for the distinctive "bruit" of the shunt.
The doctors keep telling me I am high on the list for a transplant, but no transplant seems to be in sight. I guess this has to do with the ongoing pandemic. So I've hunkered down and started to try to get through another long period of hemodialysis. So far, the side-effects of dialysis have been minimal: some loss of sensation in the chest, the development of breasts like a woman (just the left side!). Things could be a lot worse I guess.
The critical thing is to stay fit. I have a stationary bike at home and I do a lot of cycling, walking, Qi Gong, Tai Chi, and a bit of Shaolin Kung Fu. This combination seems to be good enough for keeping me reasonably fit. I gave up the gym in 2020, and never looked back. I find that as far as building up muscle strength in my legs goes, Qi Gong is surprisingly helpful, especially Shaolin Qi Gong.